Musings on motherhood, life, style & everything in between.
Winter layering & getting it right!
Winter is well and truly upon us. For some reason this year it felt like it came out of nowhere (probably because we were still wearing shorts and a t-shirt in October!) And with winter comes layering, lots and lots of layering!
Period panties, menses & controversy
I’m on my period. And with that comes the bleeding, leaking, tiredness, cramping, PMS’ing, the usual. For the last 20+ years it’s been a love hate relationship (more hate than love but I'm learning to give my body grace!)
Back, back, forth & forth
In the literary words of our dearly departed princess Aaliyah, we really be going back, back, forth & forth when it comes to learning life’s ever changing lessons. The struggle is real ya’ll!
We’re the adults now!
Do you sometimes just take a step back and think ‘we’re the adults now?’
On Homesickness
This week, one of my cousins (hey Louisa!) is getting married and I couldn’t be there. More or less my whole extended family, bar for a few of us who couldn’t make the trip, will be home celebrating their union.